OF-16-01 New Paleocurrent Measurements OF-16-01 New Paleocurrent Measurements, Clast Population Data, and Age Dates in the Late Eocene Castle Rock Conglomerate, East-Central Colorado
OF-16-02 Geologic Map of the Watkins Quadrangle OF-16-02 Geologic Map of the Watkins Quadrangle, Arapahoe and Adams Counties, Colorado
OF-15-12 Geologic Map of the Piney Creek Quadrangle OF-15-12 Geologic Map of the Piney Creek Quadrangle, Arapahoe, Douglas, and Elbert Counties, Colorado
MS-17 Inventory of Nonmetallic Mining and Processing Operations in Colorado|MS-17 Inventory of Nonmetallic Mining and Processing Operations in Colorado MS-17 Inventory of Nonmetallic Mining and Processing Operations in Colorado
OF-14-07 Geologic Map of the Watkins SE Quadrangle OF-14-07 Geologic Map of the Watkins SE Quadrangle, Arapahoe and Elbert Counties, Colorado
OF-12-04 Geologic Map of the Elbert Quadrangle OF-12-04 Geologic Map of the Elbert Quadrangle, Elbert and El Paso Counties, Colorado
OF-12-03 Geologic Map of the Eastonville Quadrangle OF-12-03 Geologic Map of the Eastonville Quadrangle, Elbert County, Colorado
OF-12-08 Geologic Map of the Minturn Quadrangle OF-12-08 Geologic Map of the Minturn Quadrangle, Eagle County, Colorado
SP-52 Messages in Stone: Colorado's Colorful Geology (2nd Edition) SP-52 Messages in Stone: Colorado’s Colorful Geology (2nd Edition)
OF-09-03 Geologic Map of the Elizabeth Quadrangle OF-09-03 Geologic Map of the Elizabeth Quadrangle, Elbert County, Colorado
OF-07-04 Geologic Map of the Ponderosa Park Quadrangle OF-07-04 Geologic Map of the Ponderosa Park Quadrangle, Douglas and Elbert Counties, Colorado