OF-11-03 Cross-sections of the Fresh-water-bearing Strata of the Denver Basin between Greeley and Colorado Springs OF-11-03 Cross-sections of the Fresh-water-bearing Strata of the Denver Basin between Greeley and Colorado Springs, Colorado
SP-52 Messages in Stone: Colorado's Colorful Geology (2nd Edition) SP-52 Messages in Stone: Colorado’s Colorful Geology (2nd Edition)
OF-03-11 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Adams OF-03-11 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Adams, Arapahoe, and Denver Counties State Mineral Lands Administered by the Colorado State Land Board
OF-01-17 The Coalbed Methane Potential in the Upper Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Laramie and Denver Formations OF-01-17 The Coalbed Methane Potential in the Upper Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Laramie and Denver Formations, Denver Basin, Colorado
OF-84-07 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Arapahoe County OF-84-07 Estimated Oil and Gas Reserves for Arapahoe County, Colorado
IS-13 Chemical Analyses of Water Wells in Selected Strippable Coal and Lignite Areas IS-13 Chemical Analyses of Water Wells in Selected Strippable Coal and Lignite Areas, Denver Basin, Colorado
RS-13 Coal Resources of the Denver East (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle RS-13 Coal Resources of the Denver East (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle, Colorado
OF-80-09 Geophysical and Lithological Logs from the 1980 Coal Drilling and Coring Program OF-80-09 Geophysical and Lithological Logs from the 1980 Coal Drilling and Coring Program, Denver East (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle