OF-01-17 The Coalbed Methane Potential in the Upper Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Laramie and Denver Formations OF-01-17 The Coalbed Methane Potential in the Upper Cretaceous to Early Tertiary Laramie and Denver Formations, Denver Basin, Colorado
OF-00-19 Evaluation of the Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Boulder OF-00-19 Evaluation of the Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Boulder, Jefferson, Clear Creek, and Gilpin Counties State Mineral Lands Administered by the Colorado State Land Board
OF-00-18 Late Cretaceous Formation Geologic Mapping OF-00-18 Late Cretaceous Formation Geologic Mapping, Outcrop Measured Sections, and Subsurface Stratigraphic Cross Sections, Northern La Plata County, Colorado
OF-00-07 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Kit Carson County State Mineral Lands Administered by the Colorado State Land Board (detail) OF-00-07 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Kit Carson County State Mineral Lands Administered by the Colorado State Land Board
OF-00-06 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Chaffee OF-00-06 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Chaffee, Gunnison, Lake, and Pitkin Counties State Mineral Lands Administered by the Colorado State Land Board
OF-00-01 Geologic Map of the Jack Hall Mountain Quadrangle OF-00-01 Geologic Map of the Jack Hall Mountain Quadrangle, Fremont County, Colorado
OF-00-02 Geologic Map of the Idaho Springs Quadrangle OF-00-02 Geologic Map of the Idaho Springs Quadrangle, Clear Creek County, Colorado
OF-00-03 Geologic Map of the Colorado Springs Quadrangle OF-00-03 Geologic Map of the Colorado Springs Quadrangle, El Paso County, Colorado
OF-00-04 Geologic Map of the Hesperus Quadrangle OF-00-04 Geologic Map of the Hesperus Quadrangle, La Plata and Montezuma Counties, Colorado
OF-00-05 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Fremont County State Mineral Lands Administered by the Colorado State Land Board (detail) OF-00-05 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of Fremont County State Mineral Lands Administered by the Colorado State Land Board
OF-99-17 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of SE Moffat County State Mineral Lands Administered by the Colorado State Land Board (detail) OF-99-17 Evaluation of Mineral and Mineral Fuel Potential of SE Moffat County State Mineral Lands Administered by the Colorado State Land Board
OF-99-03 Geologic Map of the Gribbles Park Quadrangle OF-99-03 Geologic Map of the Gribbles Park Quadrangle, Park and Fremont Counties, Colorado