WAT-2011-01 - El Paso County Groundwater Quality Study: Phase 1 WAT-2011-01 El Paso County Groundwater Quality Study: Phase 1
MS-49 Geologic Map and Coal Bed Stratigraphy MS-49 Geologic Map and Coal Bed Stratigraphy, Fruitland Formation, Western Archuleta County, Colorado
OF-11-04 Geologic Map of the Jones Hill Quadrangle OF-11-04 Geologic Map of the Jones Hill Quadrangle, Park County, Colorado
OF-10-02 Geologic Map of the Center Mountain Quadrangle OF-10-02 Geologic Map of the Center Mountain Quadrangle, Garfield County, Colorado
OF-10-01 Geologic Map of the Cattle Creek Quadrangle OF-10-01 Geologic Map of the Cattle Creek Quadrangle, Garfield County, Colorado
MS-51 Interpretive Geothermal Gradient Map of Colorado (detail)|Onsite rig drilling for a geothermal heating/cooling or "heat pump" system in Fort Collins MS-51 Interpretive Geothermal Gradient Map of Colorado
MS-48 Oil and Gas Wells in Areas of Colorado with Superior Geothermal Properties (detail) MS-48 Oil and Gas Wells in Areas of Colorado with Superior Geothermal Properties
OF-10-03 Geologic Map of the Severy Creek Watershed OF-10-03 Geologic Map of the Severy Creek Watershed, Teller and El Paso Counties, Colorado
OF-09-01 Geologic Hazards Mapping Project of the Uncompahgre River Valley Area OF-09-01 Geologic Hazards Mapping Project of the Uncompahgre River Valley Area, Montrose County, Colorado
OF-09-02 Geologic Map of the Divide Quadrangle OF-09-02 Geologic Map of the Divide Quadrangle, Teller County, Colorado
OF-09-04 Geologic Map of the Fruita Quadrangle OF-09-04 Geologic Map of the Fruita Quadrangle, Mesa County, Colorado