SP-53 Ground Water Atlas of Colorado Details ED: Note that this Atlas is superseded by our current ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas –a fully online (web and GIS) free resource– that we unveiled at the beginning of 2020. This new publication is an on-going effort in that we will be adding data to it as that becomes available. Order SP-53 on our Amazon storefront. This comprehensive reference of the state’s groundwater resources summarizes the location, geography, geology, water quality, and hydrologic characteristics of Colorado’s major aquifers. The information is presented in a graphical format supported by descriptive narratives and tables to better facilitate an understanding of the material. Chapters 1 through 3 give an introduction to groundwater and its geological, hydrological, and legal context. This provides a foundation on which to build an understanding of the state’s ground-water resources. Chapters 4 through 7 discuss specific hydrological characteristics of 23 major aquifers and aquifer systems. Also included is a full glossary of specific water terminology. 210 pages. The Atlas is intended to benefit the community of policy-makers, water managers, and their respective technical staffs in making difficult decisions concerning ground water. The general public and ground-water professionals will also find it educational. UPDATE: The Association of American State Geologists announced that their annual John C. Frye Memorial Award for 2006 is granted to the CGS and the staff members who authored SP-53. Citations Topper, R., K. L. Spray, W. H. Bellis, J. L. Hamilton, and P. E. Barkmann. SP-53 Ground Water Atlas of Colorado. Special Publications, SP-53. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, Department of Natural Resources, 2003.