

Cumbres & Toltec Geology Train – June 9th, 2024

Many of you know and love the Geology Train – the Colorado Geological Survey’s twice-annual partnership with the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad offering a unique experience observing spectacular geology in Colorado and New Mexico. Our next ride departs on June 9th and tickets are still available! This June,…

Large 700-series Caterpillar mine hauling trucks at the Holcim Portland Cement plant in Florence
Large 700-series Caterpillar mine hauling trucks at the Holcim Portland Cement plant in Florence

Energy, General, Minerals, Publications

IS-85 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2021-2022

The current annual Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities report for 2021-22 is now available. Following up on the 2020-21 report, this report is based on 2021 production data with additional reported news from 2022. It provides a comprehensive snapshot of Colorado’s mineral resource…

OF-22-16D Digital Compilation of Surficial and Bedrock Geology of the Montrose 30x60 Minute Quadrangle
OF-22-16D Digital Compilation of Surficial and Bedrock Geology of the Montrose 30x60 Minute Quadrangle

General, Geology, Publications

New Colorado 30×60 minute quadrangle datasets

Underwritten with special supplemental funding though the US Geological Survey (USGS) STATEMAP Program, we digitized, re-compiled, and quality-controlled several previously-published 30×60-minute geologic map quadrangles as GIS data packages. In addition to the information the original 1:100,000-scale maps, data from more recent 1:24,000-scale (7.5 minute) CGS quadrangle mapping was merged…

Skyline Drive
Skyline Drive

General, Geology

Fremont County geologic attractions

Fremont County, two hours south of Denver, is located on the south-central Front Range of Colorado in a geological region called the Cañon City Embayment. Its geological environment and history is incredibly diverse as are its paleontological treasures. It is the only county in Colorado featuring two…

A 3610 g slice of the Bear Creek meteorite being held for scale that was formerly in the Jurgen Nauber Meteorite Collection (JNMC) in Zurich
A 3610 g slice of the Bear Creek meteorite being held for scale that was formerly in the Jurgen Nauber Meteorite Collection (JNMC) in Zurich

General, Geology

Tale of the Bear Creek Meteorite, Jefferson County, Colorado

By Matthew Morgan, Deputy Director, Colorado Geological Survey and Gary Curtiss, Lakewood geologist and meteorite collector The prior discovery by George R. Morrison of the Bear Creek iron meteorite was confirmed on April 18, 1866 when Morrison and James L. Wilson returned to a location approximately 48 km (30…