A few new publications

Surface operations at the Climax molybdenum mine
Surface operations at the Climax molybdenum mine

For those of you who are recent subscribers to the CGS mailing list, we wanted to direct your attention to a handful of new publications that we haven’t otherwise publicized. We’ve been adding more in the last months, so stay tuned for another introductory posting:

IS-82 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2018-2019Our annual overview of Colorado’s mineral resource activities. The 2019-2020 review will be out shortly.

MI-98 Catastrophic Glacial Outburst Floods on the Upper Arkansas River, ColoradoThe history of three ancient catastrophic floods that raged down the Upper Arkansas River Valley during the glacial past of the Central Rockies.

Glacial flood boulder in the Arkansas River Valley above Buena Vista, Colorado. Emeritus USGS geologist, Karl Kellog for scale. Photo credit: Keenan Lee for the CGS.
Glacial flood boulder in the Arkansas River Valley above Buena Vista, Colorado. Emeritus USGS geologist, Karl Kellog for scale. Photo credit: Keenan Lee for the CGS.

MI-100 Summary Report on the McQueary Gulch Trench, Williams Fork Mountains Fault, Grand County, ColoradoTrenching is a technique for determining the historical activity on a known fault — in this case, a fault north of Silverthorne.

OF-19-13 Storm Floods on Trout Creek, Chaffee County, ColoradoAnother fascinating exploration of the influence of flooding in the evolution of the Colorado landscape, by Colorado School of Mines Emeritus Professor of Geology, Dr. Keenan Lee.

Tributary alluvial fan along Trout Creek, Chaffee County. The near part of the fan was truncated by flood waters in Trout Creek; lowering of Trout Creek caused the tributary to incise its fan about 12 ft. Photo credit: Keenan Lee for the CGS.
Tributary alluvial fan along Trout Creek, Chaffee County. The near part of the fan was truncated by flood waters in Trout Creek; lowering of Trout Creek caused the tributary to incise its fan about 12 ft. Photo credit: Keenan Lee for the CGS.

OF-19-06 Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility Map of Boulder County, ColoradoThe CGS provides geologic hazard susceptibility maps to state and local governments for use in planning processes and mitigation plans. This map is part of a statewide effort to develop inventory and susceptibility maps for landslide-prone areas in Colorado.

Landslide on the northern edge of Rocky Flats above Coal Creek at the intersection of Hwy 128 and Hwy 93, Boulder County, Colorado, May 2019. Photo Credit: Kassandra Lindsey for the CGS.
Landslide on the northern edge of Rocky Flats above Coal Creek at the intersection of Hwy 128 and Hwy 93, Boulder County, Colorado, May 2019. Photo Credit: Kassandra Lindsey for the CGS.