GEO-1979-01 The History and Activities of Your State Geological Survey

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Published in 1979, this overview of the first decade of the CGS as reestablished in the mid-1960s provides a valuable historical snapshot as to the newly expanded role that the Survey took on at the time. Digital PDF download. GEO-1979-01D

From the report:

As the decade of the 1970s draws to a close, the Colorado Geological Survey nears the completion of 11 years of growth and accomplishment. Actually our agency has had a long and interesting history of development, from meager beginnings in 1872 through a prolific period early in the century and into a troubled but productive era that ended with the creation of the present agency. Our predecessors were concerned primarily with the metallic mineral resources and metal mining industries, but now, as a result of changing needs, the Survey has expanded into the fields of engineering and environmental geology, geohydrology, mineral fuels, and nonmetallics. Often confused with the “other” geological survey, your state geological survey has become one of the most active divisions in the Department of Natural Resources. In this article I would like to trace the history of the Survey, its accomplishments and shortcomings, and outline our present duties and recent work with emphasis on mineral resources.


Schwochow, Stephen D. “GEO-1979-01 The History and Activities of Your State Geological Survey.” History. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, Department of Natural Resources, 1978.
GEO-1979-01 The History and Activities of Your State Geological Survey
GEO-1979-01 The History and Activities of Your State Geological Survey