Interstate-70 running through Glenwood Canyon is one of the most spectacular segments of the US Interstate system. Photo credit: Vince Matthews for the CGS.
Interstate-70 running through Glenwood Canyon is one of the most spectacular segments of the US Interstate system. Photo credit: Vince Matthews for the CGS.


The Glenwood Canyon Highway

This recent RMPBS/Colorado Experience video traces the history of transportation through Colorado’s spectacular Glenwood Canyon. It focuses on the complex construction process of Interstate-70 that sought to harmonize with the geology and the landscape. Initially fraught with controversy and opposition, the Glenwood Canyon Highway is one…

Check dams along drainage ditch
Check dams along drainage ditch

Hazards, Water

Case Study: stormwater

Stormwater runoff is excess water associated with a rain or snow storm event that flows over the land surface and is measurable in a downstream river, stream, ditch, gutter, or pipe. From a regulatory perspective, stormwater is managed through some sort of engineered conveyance and is focused…

Figure 3 -- This development in west Glenwood Springs constructed a rockfall impact wall above their townhomes to protect against both rockfall and mudslides (debris flows). Photo credit: Jon White for the CGS.|Figure 2 -- Several large rocks from the western wall of the Roaring Fork River in Glenwood Springs crashed into the houses below during the early morning causing significant damage
Figure 3 -- This development in west Glenwood Springs constructed a rockfall impact wall above their townhomes to protect against both rockfall and mudslides (debris flows). Photo credit: Jon White for the CGS.|Figure 2 -- Several large rocks from the western wall of the Roaring Fork River in Glenwood Springs crashed into the houses below during the early morning causing significant damage


Case Study: Rockfall – Glenwood Springs

The town of Glenwood Springs in west-central Colorado lies at the confluence of the Roaring Fork and Colorado rivers. The town is tightly constrained by the steep river valleys so land-development pressure is causing residential growth to push into rockfall hazard areas. In West Glenwood, on the west side…