Retaining wall settlement at the center of the image with the sorority houses in the background and the IM field in the foreground. Photo credit: T. C. Wait for the CGS.|The Rockwell clay mine area immediately south of the CSM campus along US 6 in 1977 before more recent reclamation as a golf course. The green area to the top left is part of the IM field where the subsidence occurred. Photo credit: Colorado Geological Survey.|DC resistivity survey crew from the engineering firm Zapata/Blackhawk laying out the multicore switch cables across the IM field area in 2008. Photo credit: T. C. Wait for the CGS.|Subsidence road damage near one of the sorority houses at CSM in August 2005. Photo credit: T. C. Wait for the CGS.|A drill-rig preparing boreholes for subsurface grouting under the IM field in August 2005. Photo credit: T. C. Wait for the CGS.|One of the several subsidence features in the IM field at the Colorado School of Mines in 2005. Photo credit: T. C. Wait for the CGS.|Figure from DC resistivity report from 2009 detailing some of the infrastructure Geology, Hazards April 26, 2005 Case Study: mine subsidence, CSM For decades, the west side of the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) main campus had subsidence issues related to historical mining activities. At one point, in the 1990s, one of the married student housing units in that area was so badly damaged that it was condemned. In the early…