
MI-03 Mineral Resources of Colorado, First Sequel


This classic publication is the only sequel to the first comprehensive report on the minerals industry in Colorado (MI-01). Similar to MI-01, it has become a well-known reference book for those interested in Colorado’s historic mining districts and mineral resources. It is organized into four parts, I) mineral resources organized by county; II) special section on metals, including molybdenum, uranium, the rare earths, thorium, beryllium, and minerals processing; III) oil shale and coal, and IV) petroleum and natural gas. Not a revision, this publication includes the thirteen years since the coverage of the original publication ended in 1945. It expands on the rapidly expanding oil and gas industry and on the industrial metals that gained unprecedented economic importance during WWII. Most of the basic geological background information contained in the 1947 edition is not repeated. As there are frequent references to information in the original volume, download of both volumes is recommended. 763 pages. 9 plates. 73 figures. Digital PDF download. MI-03D