
MIN-2010-01 Lone Mesa State Park Mineral and Water Resource Assessment


In 2009, Colorado State Parks (now Colorado Parks and Wildlife) requested the assistance of the CGS to complete an evaluation of the geological and hydrogeological resources (mineral, mineral fuels, water) on the 11,760 acres of the Lone Mesa State Park in Dolores County, Colorado. Digital PDF download. MIN-2010-01D

From the report:

The following report documents the occurrence of these resources within the park and estimates the probability for their development. The evaluation includes narratives, a resource rating and reference maps. The evaluation includes a brief introduction to the geology of the Lone Mesa State Park. The report includes diagrams, geologic and topographic maps to help the user visualize the geologic concepts presented. Five categories of resources are included in the evaluation: oil and gas; coal; metallic minerals; industrial minerals and construction materials; and water (groundwater and surface water).