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OF-05-11 History, Geology, and Environmental Setting of the Akron Mine, Gunnison National Forest

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Describes the history, geology, and environmental setting of the Akron Mine. Part of the site is on US Forest Service-administered land and part is on private. The site was selected for evaluation by the US Forest Service based on the results of an abandoned mine inventory completed in 1996 by the Colorado Geological Survey. Digital PDF download. OF-05-11D

From the Author’s Notes:

The CGS inventoried the Akron Mine and other nearby mining features (adit, shaft, waste-rock dump, tailings, etc.) in 1996 in the Tomichi/Whitepine mining district of the Cebolla Ranger District, Gunnison National Forest. This project was part of an eight-year, statewide inventory of abandoned mines on USFS-administered lands in Colorado. Not all of the mines inventoried were on National Forest System (NFS) lands. Some mines close to NFS lands were inventoried, and other mines that potentially impacted NFS lands were included. The Akron adit portal is located on the eastern side of Tomichi Creek, just south of Whitepine, Colorado. The portal area and some of the waste-rock dump and tailings are on NFS lands. The Akron adit undercuts several patented and unpatented mining claims.


Wood II, Robert H., and David A. Bird. “OF-05-11 Mine Site History and Environmental Setting of the Akron Mine, Gunnison National Forest, Gunnison County, Colorado.” Mine Site History. Open File Reports. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 2005. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.of0511.qlkw1578. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/history-geology-environment-akron-mine-gunnison-national-forest-colorado.