ON-007-08D Historic Metal Mining Districts of Colorado (Data) - v20201112 Download Publication Details This is the most current downloadable data package for this project and is comprised of GIS data and written documentation compiled in the 2010s; finalized as of 2015; with minor clerical modifications during 2020. Digital ZIP/GIS/PDF download. ON-007-08D – v20201112 Included in this ZIP package: — ON-007-08D-Read_Me.pdf — ON-007-08D-rpt-v20201112.pdf — Compilation of individual mining district reviews, organized by county. — ON-007-08D-GIS_Data-v20201112 folder — Contains shapefiles with appropriate metadata. IMPORTANT NOTE: This file contains all relevant GIS data as of 12 November 2020. When new data is incorporated, this geodatabase package will be updated with a new version number corresponding to the date of issue. The GIS dataset presents historic metal mining district polygons that were created by Mr. James Burnell, former Senior Minerals Geologist at the CGS, using several sources of information. District boundaries are estimated and are intended to be used at 1:150,000 scale. The areas include many of the metal mining districts in Colorado but do not include several other districts that were mined for other commodities such as uranium and vanadium. Per Mr. Burnell, “there are seldom any official definitions of the geographic boundaries of mining districts in Colorado. Information was obtained from lists of districts. The boundaries shown here are subjective and were drawn where they seemed appropriate based on the references.” The maps created by Mr. Burnell were originally completed in Adobe Illustrator by Larry Scott at the CGS. The original maps are included as documents hyperlinked from the GIS file. They are also included in the ON-007-08D-v20201112.pdf document which includes all county-based reports as well. NOTE: The data presented here are not intended to be used as a tool to assess risk. ANY DATA OR INFORMATION PROVIDED HERE IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Data or information provided here shall be used and replied upon only at the user’s sole risk, and the user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the entities who provided the data and any other parties, its officials, officers and employees from any liability arising out of the use of the data/information provided. No warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data, or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. The Colorado Geological Survey shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. Citations Burnell, James R. “ON-007-08D Historic Metal Mining Districts of Colorado (Data) v20201112.” Mining, Online. Golden, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, 2015. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/historic-metal-mining-districts-colorado-data/