B-21 The Geology of the Ward Region, Boulder County, Colorado Download Publication Details The geology of the Ward region, Boulder County, Colorado. 74 pages. 2 plates. Digital PDF download. B-21D Excerpt from the Introduction: The area covered by this report lies north of the “Main Tungsten Area” of Boulder County and west of the “Sugarloaf District,” which have been described, respectively, by R. D. George in the first annual report of the Colorado Geological Survey, and in a thesis by R. D. Crawford. … The geologic work was carried along with the topographic mapping during 1910 and 1911, and the areal geology was nearly finished in the spring of 1911. The economic geology could not be satisfactorily worked out during this period because so few mines were unwatered. This report has been delayed for several years on account of the writer’s desire to make a thorough study of the underground geology. He hoped that from time to time old mines would be reopened or new ones developed, and he has taken advantage of such conditions whenever they have come to his attention. It has been impossible, however, to make a complete study of the mines of the district, and this report is therefore presented with the understanding that it represents an attempt to cover in detail only the areal geology. The notes on the economic geology are fragmentary and at best are unsatisfactory. The field mapping for this project was completed between 1906 and 1913, and included the first detailed topographic and geologic mapping of the area. The report is organized into six chapters: Chapter I. Introduction, Chapter II. Geography and topography, Chapters III-V. General Geology, and Chapter VI. Economic Geology. Chapter VI discusses the ore deposits and mining industry, including the important mines in the Ward region and information on concentration and extraction of ores with a list of mills and production. The two plates comprise a topographic map and a geologic map of the Ward and Sugarloaf regions. Citations Worcester, P. G. “Bulletin 21 - The Geology of the Ward Region Boulder County.” Geology. Bulletin. Boulder, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, 1920. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.b21.baqr8922. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/geology-ward-region-boulder/.