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OF-18-12 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Elbert County, Colorado

Download Publication


This report provides a regional overview with the general public in mind, although it contains detailed background that is beneficial to more technical users. It is a compilation of the most recent geologic mapping and interpretations focusing on groundwater occurrences in the various geologic formations found in the area. It was funded by the CGS through its Severance Tax and Colorado General Operational Funds. Digital PDF/GIS/ZIP download. OF-18-12D

An online map — ON-OF-18-12 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Elbert County, Colorado — is also available.

Report Documents

  • OF-18-12_Read_Me.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Geology_and_Groundwater_Resources_ElbertCo.pdf

Includes report with text, tables, figures, and appendices

Geologic map plates:

  • OF-18-12_Plt-01_ElbertCo_General_Geology.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-02_ElbertCo_Cross_Section.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-03_ElbertCo_Alluvial_Aquifer.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-04_ElbertCo_Nussbaum_High_Plains.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-05_ElbertCo_Upper_Dawson.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-06_ElbertCo_Lower_Dawson.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-07_ElbertCo_Denver.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-08_ElbertCo_Arapahoe.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-09_ElbertCo_Laramie_Fox_Hills.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-10_ElbertCo_Upper_Pierre.pdf

Water quality and type map plates:

  • OF-18-12_Plt-11_ElbertCo_Stiff_All.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-12_ElbertCo_Pie_All.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-13_ElbertCo_Pie_Quaternary.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-14_ElbertCo_Pie_Upper_Dawson.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-15_ElbertCo_Pie_Lower_Dawson.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-16_ElbertCo_Pie_Denver.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-17_ElbertCo_Pie_Arapahoe.pdf
  • OF-18-12_Plt-18_ElbertCo_Pie_Laramie_Fox_Hills.pdf

GIS_Data folder

Contains OF-18-12_ElbertCo with map-package files

From the Introduction:

Elbert County encompasses 1,851 square miles just east of the rapidly growing Front Range corridor of Colorado. The county is currently predominately rural with seven towns, but no cities. Three of the towns are incorporated (Elizabeth, Kiowa, and Simla); the remainder are unincorporated areas (Agate, Fondis, Matheson, and Ponderosa Park). Elizabeth is the largest town and Kiowa serves as the county seat.

Elbert County has experienced considerable population growth in recent decades with development reliant solely on local groundwater resources. The population increased by 60 percent between 1990 and 2015. As of the most recent (2010) census, the population was approximately 23,086, and in 2015 was estimated at 24,735. Most of the growth has been located in the western portion of the county in the form of numerous rural subdivisions and in the northwest near Parker and Aurora.

The county is located in the Great Plains physiographic province of Colorado. The western portion of Elbert County consists of rolling hills with pockets of ponderosa pine woodlands and outcropping rock formations within the Colorado Piedmont physiographic subprovince. This landscape becomes more subdued and open in the central part of the county. Cedar Point, at the east edge of the county near Agate, is an extension of the escarpment that marks the eastward transition from the Colorado Piedmont to the High Plains physiographic subprovince. Only a small portion of the High Plains extends into the county.


Barkmann, Peter E., Lesley A. Sebol, Lauren D. Broes, and Katheryne H. McGee. “OF-18-12 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Elbert County, Colorado.” Geology and Groundwater. Open File Report. Golden, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, 2021. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.of1812.zikw4840. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/geology-groundwater-resources-elbert-colorado.
OF-18-12 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Elbert County
OF-18-12 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Elbert County


Geology, Groundwater, Maps, Water