Adding to our coverage of the South Park region in the central Rocky Mountains of Colorado, the purpose of this map is to describe the geology, mineral and ground-water resource potential, and geologic hazards of this 7.5-minute quadrangle. Includes 2 plates and GIS data in a single zip file. Digital ZIP download. OF-19-08D
From the Regional Setting:
The Antero Reservoir NE quadrangle straddles the western edge of the Hartsel uplift within the complex South Park Laramide structural basin. Generally, the basin can be described as an east-dipping downwarp bounded by two northwest-trending uplifts: the Sawatch uplift to the west and the Front Range uplift to the east. The Hartsel uplift is a westward-jutting structural salient of the Front Range uplift that brings Proterozoic rocks further into the basin south of the town of Hartsel. The uplift itself has been segmented into a series of smaller internal uplifts and basins by Paleogene faulting along a series of northwest trending faults. The quadrangle also spans the Late Paleozoic boundary between the central Colorado trough (DeVoto, 1972) to the west and the Frontrangia uplift to the east (Mallory, 1958).