OF-99-14 Geologic Hazards and Mineral Resource Potential of Southwestern Costilla County, Colorado

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Describes the geologic hazards, hydrologic hazards, geologic constraints, and mineral resource potential of the southwestern part of Costilla County. It was prepared to assist Costilla County in making land-use decisions pursuant to their adoption of land-use regulations. Discusses geologic setting; geologic hazards, geologic constraints, and active stream channels; and mineral resource potential. Includes references. 15 pages. 3 plates.(1:50,000). Digital PDF download. OF-99-14D

Plate 1 addresses geologic hazards and constraints such as landslides, potentially unstable slopes, rockfall, sheetwash, debris flows, colluvial deposition, potentially active faults, erosion potential, and shallow ground water. Plate 2 delineates active stream channels and recent debris-flow and sheetwash depositional areas associated with the active channels. Charts outlining geologic and fluvial hazards for some typical land uses are also included on plates 1 and 2. These charts are intended to serve only as guides to addressing some of the more common problems associated with development in hazardous areas. Areas with mineral resource potential are indicated on Plate 3.


Widmann, Beth L., and Robert M. Kirkham. “OF-99-14 Geologic Hazards and Mineral Resource Potential of Southwestern Costilla County, Colorado.” Mineral Resources. Open File Report. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, Department of Natural Resources, 1999. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.of9914.fjnk9420. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/geologic-hazards-mineral-resource-potential-costilla-colorado/.