
OF-75-05 Idaho Springs Area, Colorado: Geologic Hazards Map


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Shows a variety of geologic hazards, e.g., rockfalls, landslides, debris fans, and unstable slopes of the Idaho Springs Area. Includes explanation on map. 1 plate (1:10,600). Digital PDF download. OF-75-05D

Geologic hazards in the Idaho Springs area are natural geologic conditions that if ignored or poorly planned for can result in loss of life, damage to structures, or high maintenance costs, especially for roads. As such, there are three general kinds of potentially hazardous conditions shown on this map: 1) mudflow-debris fan areas; 2) rockfall and rockslide areas; and 3) unstable and potentially unstable slopes. Additionally, much of the Idaho Springs area is undermined and in some places subject to further subsidence following collapse of underground mining excavations. Man-made modification of the Clear Creek and Chicago Creek flood plains make predictions of the nature of future flooding along these drainages difficult.