ON-006-12M Debris-flow Susceptibility of Select Colorado Counties (Map) - v20220215 Download Publication Details This GIS map contains the most current information for this project. It presently includes Larimer, Boulder, Jefferson, Douglas, and El Paso counties. GIS data is currently not available for download. Online resource. ON-006-12M – v20220215 To the map: ON-006-12 Debris-flow Susceptibility of Select Colorado Counties (Map) Citations Colorado Geological Survey. “ON-006-12 Debris-Flow Susceptibility of Select Colorado Counties (Map) - V20220215.” Hazards, Digital. Golden, Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey, February 2022. https://cologeosurvey.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=eb75d9010ccd4ba0b1f54d40e43c844f.