SP-32 The Colorado Geological Survey: An Evaluation and Report

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An evaluation and report about the Colorado Geological Survey. 34 pages. 9 figures. Digital PDF download. SP-32D

Excerpt from the cover letter and report Preface:

In October 1987, Colorado Governor Roy Romer invited 16 representatives of the state’s mineral resource, business, academic, local government, legislative and public communities to serve on a task force. The mission of this group was to assist the Department of Natural Resources in examining, evaluating and strengthening the CGS. In addition to meeting for five separate three-hour sessions, the committee interviewed past and present CGS employees, constituents and observers. Task Force members also spent additional time examining the Survey’s budgetary and staffing history, studying statutes and past performance records and preparing this report.

Numerous requests for reports from people with interests in and concerns for the CGS have required reprinting of this Task Force Report. In order to provide a permanent distribution mechanism and to defray the printing costs, it was decided to include the report in our Special Publication series.


Rold, John W. “SP-32 The Colorado Geological Survey: An Evaluation and Report.” Review. Special Publication. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1988. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.sp32.ycwb3973. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/colorado-geological-survey-evaluation-report/.
SP-32 The Colorado Geological Survey: An Evaluation and Report
SP-32 The Colorado Geological Survey: An Evaluation and Report

