OF-86-01 Coal Resources of the Dakota Sandstone, Southwestern Colorado Download Publication Details Text and five plates showing regional geology, specific drill hole, mine and outcrop data, and other resource data of the coal resources of the Dakota Formation. Covers coal resource data for southwestern Colorado, Gunnison River Valley, Montrose area, and Nucla Northwest area, Nucla-Naturita area, Norwood area, Dove Creek area, Yellow Jacket-Dolores area, and Cortez East area. 77 pages. 3 figures. 7 tables. 5 plates (various scales). Digital PDF download. OF-86-01D Excerpted from the Introduction: Coals contained in the Dakota Sandstone underlie large areas of southwestern Colorado. Although vast resources of Dakota coal are known to exist, they have not been studied in detail. This project is a reconnaissance resource study of the Dakota coals within parts of the San Juan River region, where they are known to occur at strippable depths over large areas. The study area includes Montezuma, Delores, San Miguel, Montrose, northern Ouray, southern Delta, and western Mesa Counties. The southwestern part of the San Juan River region, contained in La Plata and Archuleta Counties, has been excluded from the study due to the relatively small amount of strippable coal present in the area. The purpose of this report is to provide useful information to anyone conducting a coal evaluation, or planning coal exploration in this region. Planners and governmental land managers in this area should find this information helpful in making land use decisions. Citations Eakins, Wynn. “OF-86-01 Coal Resources of the Dakota Sandstone, Southwestern Colorado.” Coal Resources. Open File Report. Denver. CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1986. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.of8601.bjem3584. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/coal-resources-dakota-sandstone-southwestern-colorado/.