OF-80-04 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Raton Mesa Coal Region, Raton Basin, Colorado Download Publication Details Geologic analysis of coal beds and associated rocks, estimation of methane content and potential based on coal, oil, gas, and miscellaneous drill holes of the Raton Mesa Coal Region, Raton Basin. Includes cross section. 48 pages. 26 figures. 3 tables. 2 plates (1:250,000). Digital PDF download. OF-80-04D From the Abstract: The Raton Mesa coal region of Colorado is an 1100 square mile (sq mi) area in the western portion of the Raton Basin. Coal rank data, desorption of coal samples, structure mapping on the Trinidad Sandstone, isopach mapping of Vermejo coal beds, coal mine methane emission data, and records of oil and gas tests in the region all define a 179 sq mi area containing 1.56 trillion cubic feet of gas in Vermejo coal beds. These Vermejo coals occur in beds up to 14 feet thick; total coal thicknesses in the Vermejo Formation reach a maximum of 30 feet in the 179 sq mi high potential area. These coals contain up to 514 cubic feet of gas per ton of coal and are less than 2000 feet below the surface in the high potential area. Currently, three wells are being drilled to test these Vermejo coals. Citations Tremain, Carol M. “OF-80-04 The Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Raton Mesa Coal Region, Raton Basin, Colorado.” Coalbed Methane. Open File Report. Denver. CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1980. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.of8004.qojn6485. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/coal-bed-methane-potential-raton-basin-colorado/.