OF-82-01 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Piceance Basin, Colorado

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Analysis of coal beds and associated rocks, estimated methane content and potential based on coal, oil, and gas drill holes of the Piceance Basin. 49 pages. 21 figures. 1 table. 5 plates (1:168,540 and 1:500,000). Digital PDF download. OF-82-01D

From the Abstract:

The 4,000 square miles of the Piceance Basin contain significant coal and gas resources in Cretaceous Mesaverde coal seams. The author has mapped coals from several hundred to 12,000 feet deep. Individual beds range up to 52 feet thick with net total coal thicknesses up to 200 feet. There are approximately 250 billion tons of deeply buried (3,000 feet ) high volatile A to semi-anthracite coals containing up to 77 trillion standard cubic feet of gas. These estimates are based on the included coal isopach and rank maps, the approximately 200 desorption tests (0-765 cubic feet of gas/ton of coal), the 47 gassy mines (some producing over 1 MMCFD), the numerous shows in oil and gas wells, and the eight holes that tested anywhere from 0-440 MCFGD in the basin.


Tremain, Carol M. “OF-82-01 The Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Piceance Basin, Colorado.” Coal Bed Methane. Open File Report. Denver. CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1982. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.of8201.kbun6065. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/coal-bed-methane-potential-piceance-basin-colorado/.