MI-100 Summary Report on the McQueary Gulch Trench MI-100 Summary Report on the McQueary Gulch Trench, Williams Fork Mountains Fault, Grand County, Colorado
IS-82 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2018-2019 IS-82 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2018-2019
MI-98 Catastrophic Glacial Outburst Floods on the Upper Arkansas River MI-98 Catastrophic Glacial Outburst Floods on the Upper Arkansas River, Colorado
OF-19-12 Colorado Abandoned Mine Land Inventory and Information Hub: Report on the Development and Data Sources OF-19-12 Colorado Abandoned Mine Land Inventory and Information Hub: Report on the Development and Data Sources
IS-81 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2017-2018 IS-81 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2017-2018
OF-13-08 Gilcrest/LaSalle Pilot Project Hydrogeologic Characterization Report (detail) OF-13-08 Gilcrest/LaSalle Pilot Project Hydrogeologic Characterization Report
MI-97 Paleoseismic Investigation of the Cheraw Fault at Haswell MI-97 Paleoseismic Investigation of the Cheraw Fault at Haswell, Colorado
RS-47 Reconnaissance of Potential Sand Sources in Colorado for Hydraulic Fracturing RS-47 Reconnaissance of Potential Sand Sources in Colorado for Hydraulic Fracturing
IS-80 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2016-2017 IS-80 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2016-2017
B-05 Reconnaissance of the Geology of the Rabbit Ears Region B-05 Reconnaissance of the Geology of the Rabbit Ears Region, Routt, Grand, and Jackson Counties, Colorado