SP-25 Forecast of Colorado Coal Industry, Production and Employment, 1984 to 2004

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Forecast of Colorado coal industry, production and employment, 1984 to 2004. Digital PDF download. SP-25D

From the executive summary:

The Colorado coal industry will face increasing competition from other coal-producing states and from foreign coal producers in coastal geographic markets. Production is forecast to increase from 16.5 million tons per year (mtpy) in 1984 to 20.2 mtpy in 2004 at an average rate of about one percent per year. Direct employment is forecast to increase from 2,585 miners in 1984 to 2,696 miners in 2004, an increase of 4.3 percent.

A total of four coal-producing scenarios were developed on computer-linked spreadsheets. Changes may be made rapidly, reflecting changing conditions, and acquisition of additional data with the passage of time. The linked spreadsheet method is simple, yet could be refined to the point of estimating demand for coal from a specific mine.


Rushworth, Peter, and L. R. Ladwig. “SP-25 Forecast of Colorado Coal Industry Production and Employment 1984 to 2004.” Coal Production. Special Publication. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1984. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.sp25.fhvp6875. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/forecast-colorado-coal-industry-production-employment-1984-2004/.
SP-25 Forecast of Colorado Coal Industry
SP-25 Forecast of Colorado Coal Industry


Coal, Energy