ON-006-15M Colorado Earthquake and Fault Map Details As an online publication, the CGS will routinely update this map whenever we receive or generate new data. This is not available as a downloadable dataset. Online resource. ON-006-15M To the map: ON-006-15M Colorado Earthquake and Fault Map Updated with the most recent field research, this map also includes data from several prior publications: OF-98-08 Preliminary Quaternary Fault and Fold Map and Database of Colorado B-43 Earthquake Potential in Colorado, A Preliminary Evaluation B-46 Colorado Earthquake Data and Interpretation: 1867 to 1985 B-52 Colorado Earthquake Information, 1867-1996 and the precursor online map IS-60 Colorado Late Cenozoic Fault and Fold Database and Internet Map Server from 2002. Citations Morgan, Matthew L., and F. Scot Fitzgerald. “ON-006-15M Colorado Earthquake and Fault Map.” Earthquake, (scale variable) online map. Online Series. Golden, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, July 1, 2019. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/colorado-earthquake-fault-map/.