The Colorado Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Council (CEHMC) is a multi-disciplinary organization that is developing a better understanding of earthquake hazards in Colorado. Council members include emergency and risk managers, geologists, geophysicists, seismologists, along with civil, mechanical, geotechnical, and structural engineers from the private sector, academia, and government. The CEHMC has been in existence in various forms for more than thirty years. Intro Meetings CEHMC meeting are held online the third Thursday of every other month beginning in January. Any interested parties are welcome to attend but should contact Rob Jackson at the email below. Officers Rob Jackson, co-chair, Consulting Engineer, Amentum Services, Inc. Matt Morgan, co-chair, Colorado Geological Survey Mark Zellman, secretary, BGC Engineering. Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes 2020 to current 2022-11-17 Meeting 2022-09-15 Meeting 2022-07-21 Meeting 2022-05-19 Meeting 2022-03-17 Meeting 2022-01-20 Meeting 2021-11-18 Meeting 2021-09-16 Meeting 2021-07-15 Meeting 2021-05-20 Meeting 2021-03-18 Meeting 2021-01-21 Meeting 2020-11-19 Meeting 2020-09-17 Meeting 2020-07-16 Meeting 2020-05-21 Meeting 2020-03-19 Meeting 2020-01-23 Meeting Meeting Minutes from prior to 2020 CEHMC Meeting Minutes 2000-2019 — Complete notes of almost all meetings during this time period. The PDF will open with a list of bookmarks on the left panel, one for each meeting in chronological order.