Sebol, L.A., McGee, K.H., Johnson, E.P., and Barkmann, P.E., 2017, Geology, Groundwater Resources, and Water Quality of Mesa County, Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey, Open File Report 17-01.
Barkmann, P.E., Johnson, E.P., Sebol, L.A., and Fitzgerald F.S., 2017, Geology and Groundwater Resources of Chaffee County, Colorado Geological Survey, Open File Report 16-04.
Barkmann, P., Sebol, L.A., Johnson, E., Fitzgerald F.S., and Curtiss, W., 2016, Mapping Colorado’s Geology and Groundwater Resources on a County-Wide Scale: Geological Society of America annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol., 48, No. 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-286946.
Sebol, L.A., Barkmann, P., Johnson, E., Fitzgerald F.S., and Curtiss, W., 2016, Geology, Groundwater Resources, and Water Quality of Park County, Colorado: Geological Society of America annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol., 48, No. 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-286609.
Matthews III, V. and Barkmann, P., The Arkansas/Blue River Transition Zone of the Rio Grande Rift and Its Possible Implications for the Structure of South Park: Geological Society of America annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol., 48, No. 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-282303.
Souvall, Z., Keator, A., Baron, M., Morgan, P., and Barkmann, P., 2016, The Effects of Sratigraphy and Coal and Shale Thermal Conductivites on Temperature Gradients in the Piceance Basin, Colorado, USA: Geological Society of America annual meeting, Abstracts with Programs, Vol., 48, No. 7, doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-286682.
Barkmann, P.E., 2015, The Denver Basin Trilogy, The Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists, Outcrop, Vol. 64 • No. 9 • September 2015, pp. 16-37.
Barkmann, P.E., Sebol, L.A., Fitzgerald F.S., Curtiss, W., 2015, Geology and Groundwater Resources of Park County, Colorado Geological Survey, Open File Report 15-11.
Barkmann, P.E., Fitzgerald F.S., Sebol, L.A., Curtiss, W. Pike, J. Moore, A., and Taylor, B., 2015, Geology and Groundwater Resources of Douglas County, Colorado Geological Survey, Open File Report 15-10.
Noe, D., Barkmann, P.E., McCall, K.J., Zawaski, M.J., Logan, Z.D., and Hosler, D. R., 2015, Geologic Map of the Hayden Quadrangle, Routt County, Colorado, Open File Report 15-05.
Barkmann, P.E., Noe, D., McCall, K.J., Hosler, D.R., Zawaski, M.J., Heuscher, S., and Logan, Z.D., 2015, Geologic Map of the Breeze Mountain Quadrangle, Moffat and Routt Counties, Colorado, Open File Report 15-01.
Morgan, M.L., Barkmann, P.E., Rogers, E.L., and Noe, D.C., 2014, Geologic Map of the Craig Quadrangle, Moffat County, Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey Open-file Report 14-12,
Morgan, M.L., Barkmann, P.E., and Keller, S.M., 2012, Elbert Quadrangle Geologic Map, Elbert and El Paso Counties, Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey,
Morgan, M.L. and Barkmann, P.E., 2012, Geologic Map of the Eastonville Quadrangle, El Paso County, Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey.
Barkmann, P.E., Dechesne, M., Wickham, M.E., Carlson, J., and Formolo, S., 2011, Cross Sections of the Freshwater Bearing Strata of the Denver Basin between Greeley and Colorado Springs, Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey.
Dechesne, M., Raynolds, R.G., Barkmann, P.E., and Johnson, K.R., 2011, Notes on the Denver Basin Geologic Maps: Bedrock Geology, Structure, and Isopach Maps of the Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene Strata in the Denver Basin between Greeley and Colorado Springs, Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
Keller, J.W., Morgan, M.L., Thorson, J.P., Lindsay, N.R., and Barkmann, P.E., 2007, Geologic Map of the Palmer Lake Quadrangle, El Paso County, Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey, Open File Report 06-06.
Morgan, M.L., McHarge, J., and Barkmann, P.E., 2006, Geologic Map of the Sedalia Quadrangle, Douglas County, Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey, Open File Report 05-06.
Morgan, M.L., Temple, J., Grizzell, M., and Barkmann, P.E., 2004, Geologic Map of the Dawson Butte Quadrangle, Douglas County, Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey, Open File Report 04-07.
Topper, R., Barkmann, P.E., Bird, D.A., and Sares, M.A., 2004, Artificial Recharge of Ground Water in Colorado – A Statewide Assessment, Colorado Geological Survey, Environmental Geology 13.
Barkmann, P.E., 2004, Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity Measurements in the Denver Basin, Colorado, The Mountain Geologist Vol. 41, No. 4.
Topper, R., Spray, K.L., Bellis, W.H., Hamilton, J.L., and Barkmann, P.E., 2003, Ground Water Atlas of Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey, Special Publication 53.
Barkmann, P.E. and Edington, D., 2002, Results of Vertical Permeability Measurements from Core Samples and Multiple Aquifer Monitoring Surging Pumping Tests in the Vicinity of Parker, Colorado, Troubled Waters Conference, Denver Colorado.
Barkmann, P.E., 1982, Active Tectonism in the Bitterroot Valley, Montana, Masters Thesis, University of Montana.