Mario Guzman Minerals Specialist and Mapping Geologist 303-384-2645 Specialties Minerals, Geologic Mapping
Publications Guzman, M.A., Monecke, T., and Reynolds, T.J., 2024, Polymetallic vein formation through fluid flashing at the Sunnyside intermediate-sulfidation epithermal deposit, Colorado, USA: Mineralium Deposita, in press. Guzman, M.A., 2024, Fluid flashing and mineral precipitation in intermediate sulfidation epithermal vein deposits: Case studies from the Creede and Sunnyside deposits in southwest Colorado: Ph.D. thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 168 p. Gissler, G.D., Monecke, T., Reynolds, T.J., Guzman, M.A., Ellison, E.T., and Sherlock, R., 2024, Microtextural evidence for the recrystallization of opal-A to quartz in epithermal veins: A case study from the McLaughlin deposit, California: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 169. Guzman, M.A., Monecke, T., Reynolds, T.J., and Casadevall, T., 2023, Evidence for a high-level porphyry intrusion below the Sunnyside polymetallic vein deposit, Silverton, Colorado, in Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Zürich, Switzerland, p. 56–59. Monecke, T., Reynolds, T.J., Taksavasu, T., Tharalson, E., Zeeck, L., Guzman, M., Gissler, G., and Sherlock, R., 2023, Natural growth of gold dendrites within silica gels: Geology, v. 51, no. 2, p. 189–192. Mercer, C.N., Guzman, M.A., Hofstra, A.H., and Rosera, J.M., 2023, Critical minerals in Climax-type magmatic-hydrothermal systems in Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Zürich, Switzerland, p. 274–277. Guzman, M.A., Mercer, C.N., and Hofstra, A.H., 2022, The abundance and distribution of critical minerals in various mineral deposits of Climax-type magmatic-hydrothermal systems of the United States: GSA Connects 2022, Denver, Colorado. Guzman, M.A., 2016, Geology, vein petrography, and mineral chemistry of the North Amethyst deposit, Creede Mining District, Creede, Colorado: M.Sc. thesis, Colorado School of Mines, 197 p. Caine, J.S., Manning, A.H., Berger, B.R., Kremer, Y., Guzman, M.A., Eberl, D.D., and Schuller, K., 2010, Characterization of geologic structures and host rock properties relevant to the hydrogeology of the Standard Mine in Elk Basin, Gunnison County, Colorado: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2010-1008, 56 p. Inskeep, W., Nordstrom, D.K., Mogk, D.W., Rodman, A.W., Fouke, B.W., Duraes, N., and Guzman, M., 2010, Secondary minerals associated with geothermal features of Yellowstone National Park, in Schroeder, P.A., ed., Clays of Yellowstone National Park: CMS Workshop Lectures, v. 17, p. 24–51.
Interests & Projects Economic geology of hydrothermal ore deposits STATEMAP geologic mapping Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI) Geothermal Systems Petrography Fluid inclusions
Education & Experience Ph.D. Geology | Colorado School of Mines | May 2024 Dissertation research focused on fluid flashing and mineral precipitation in intermediate-sulfidation epithermal vein deposits of the San Juan Volcanic Field, southwestern Colorado. Visiting Doctoral Student | Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan | Mar – Jul 2019 Studied the formation of high- and low-sulfidation epithermal deposits, as well as mineral scaling in geothermal fields of Kyushu, Japan. M.Sc. Geology | Colorado School of Mines | May 2016 Thesis research focused on the geology, vein petrography, and mineral chemistry of the North Amethyst deposit, Creede Mining District, Colorado. B.A. Geology | University of Colorado at Boulder | May 2012 B.A. Anthropology | University of Colorado at Boulder | May 2008 Experience: Economic Geologist | U.S. Geological Survey, Geology, Geophysics, and Geochemistry Science Center, Denver, CO | November 2016 – September 2024 Mineral Exploration Geologist | Hecla Mining Company, Creede, Colorado | May 2012 – May 2013 Physical Scientist (Mineralogy and Geochemistry) | U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Boulder, CO | May 2007 – May 2012