Karen Berry (State Geologist emeritus) Senior Engineering Geologist kaberry@mines.edu Specialties Engineering Geology, Land-Use Reviews
Publications *White, J.L., Morgan, M.L., and Berry, K.A., 2015, The West Salt Creek Landslide: A Catastrophic Rockslide and Rock/Debris Avalanche in Mesa County, Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey Bulletin 55, 45 p., 2 plates, https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/product/west-salt-creek-landslide-catastrophic-rockslide-avalanche-mesa-county/. Wait, T.C., Morgan, M.L., Fitzgerald, F.S., Morgan, K.S., Berry, K.A., and White, J.L., 2015, Debris flow Susceptibility Map of Larimer County, Colorado: Colorado Geological Survey Open-file Report 15-13, http://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/product/debris-flow-susceptibility-map-larimer-county-colorado/. Morgan, M.L., White, J.L., Fitzgerald, F.S., Berry K.A., and Hart, S.S., 2015, Foothill and Mountainous Regions in Boulder County, Colorado that may be Susceptible to Earth and Debris/Mud Flows during Extreme Precipitation Events: Colorado Geological Survey Open-file Report 14-02, DOI: 10.13140/2.1.3617.8246. http://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/product/foothill-mountainous-regions-boulder-county-colorado-may-susceptible-earth-debrismud-flows-extreme-precipitation-events/ Raber, S., Morgan M., White J., Fitzgerald S., and Berry K., 2014, Geospatial Analysis of the West Salt Creek Landslide in Colorado; abstract in GeCo in the Rockies Conference; American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. White J., Berry K., and Carlson J., 2013, Reducing Landslide Risk through Land-Use Planning in Colorado, abstract in Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO. Community Wildfire Desk Guide and Toolkit, Post Fire Recovery Section, 2009, National Association of Conservation Districts, Washington, DC. http://www.nacdnet.org/resources/guides/wildfire/pdfs/Desk_Guide_and_Toolkit.pdf Berry, K.A. and Ekarius, C., 2007, The Phoenix Guide: A handbook for watershed and community wildland fire recovery, USDS Forest Service, National Association of Conservation Districts, Washington, DC. Wait, T. and Berry, K., 2006, Rockfall Hazards Susceptibility in the Estes Valley Development Code Area, Estes Park, Larimer County, Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey, Denver, CO, Open File Report 06-01. Wait, T. and Berry, K., 2006, Rockfall Hazards Susceptibility in the Evergreen Area, Jefferson County, Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey, Denver, CO, Open File Report 06-02. Berry, K.A., 2005, The Green Mountain landslide: a case history of geologic hazards planning in Colorado, Landslide hazards and planning, Planning Advisory Service, no. 533/534; American Planning Association, Chicago, IL. Berry, K.A., 2005, Colorado Geologic Hazard Regulation, Implementation, and Case Study. (abs.): Grand Junction, CO, Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section 57th Annual Meeting, May 23-25, 2005, Abstracts with Programs, Paper 14-2. Berry, K.A., 2004, Assessing the Transferability of a Water Erosion Model: The Turkey Creek Watershed Case Study, Colorado Geological Survey, Denver, CO. Berry, K.A., 2003, Geologic Hazards Section – Colorado Heritage Report, Best Practices in Natural Hazards Planning and Mitigation, Governor’s Office of Smart Growth, Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Denver, CO. Berry, K.A., Noe, D.C., Pavlik, M.C., and Soule, J.M., 2002, Soil and Bedrock Conditions and Construction Considerations, North-Central Douglas County, Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey, Open File Report 02-8. Topper, R., Otter, E., Berry, K., and Watterson, N., 2009, Managing Stormwater to Protect Water Resources in Mountainous Regions of Colorado, Colorado Geological Survey, Online Publication. Berry., K., History of Hazards Planning in Colorado, Engineering geology in Colorado – contributions, trends, and case histories, Association of Engineering Geologists, Special Publication 14, Colorado Geological Survey Special Publication 55. Berry, K.A., and Noe, D.C., 2003, Natural hazards and mineral resource planning in Colorado (abs.): Vail, CO, Association of Engineering Geologists, 46th Annual Meeting, September 15-21, 2003, Program with Abstracts, p. 51. Berry, K.A., 2003, Designing for post-fire erosion and sedimentation: A Colorado case study, Abstract, Geological Society of America Annual Conference. Berry, K.A., 2001, An overview and discussion of standards of practice in geotechnical engineering in southwestern Colorado (abs.), in Geology and Land Use Issues in Southwestern Colorado, Durango, CO, Colorado Geological Survey, Durango Geo Conference, October 15-16, 2001, Conference Proceedings. Berry, K.A. and Spence, E.M., 2001, The Cookbook Doesn't Work: Erosion and Sediment Control on Steep Slopes with Highly Erodible Soils, Land and Water Magazine, Volume 45, Number 5, pg. 23. Berry, K.A. and Spence, E.M., 2000, Erosion and Sediment Control on Steep Slopes with Highly Erodible Soils, Proceedings, International Erosion Control Association. Berry, K.A., Noe, D.C., and Soule, J.M., 2000, Front Range Geologic Hazards, Earth Science Week Field Trip Guide; Colorado Geological Survey. Noe, D.C., Soule, J.M., Hynes, J.L., and Berry, K.A., 1999, Bouncing boulders, rising rivers, and sneaky soils: A primer of geologic hazards and engineering geology along Colorado's Front Range, Geological Society of America Field Guides.
Education & Experience Experience Colorado Geological Survey, State Geologist and Director (2013-2022) Colorado Geological Survey, Engineering Geologist (1999-2013)