The design lead by Fireant Studios and a lot of hard work at our end brings us to the rolling out of our new web platform. Driven by the January 2020 publishing deadline for the new ON-010 Colorado Groundwater Atlas project, the wider site is still missing substantial amounts of existing content. This is mostly due to a severe staffing shortfall for such a major project. The transition from low-resolution images on the old site to the need for (captioned) high-resolution imagery is also a challenge. We will be adding new images and content, along with editing and adding old content on a daily basis for some months to come. Please be patient! Our publications store is largely unchanged, where you’ll find more than 900 individual publications, most of which are free downloads.
Categories General Tags CDRW, CGS, general, groundwater, hydrology, minerals, outreach, public, RockTalk, water